Digital camera & Photography
it all about digital camera and photography world
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Using the Light
Using the light

While many people enjoy hill on bright , sunny days with the blue sky and settled weather, these are rarely the conditions tat favour memorable photographs. Most often, the dramatic lighting and atmospheric conditions that make outstanding images are just before of just after the mountain storms and as with all landscape photography it's the extremes of the day that favour the photographer- early morning, late afternoon, dawn or dusk, stormy weather, winter snows and spring rain showers.

Being in the mountains in these conditions requires some skill and experience in navigation ,safety and mountain travel but the rewards are plentiful. Save the landscape photography for the beginning and end of the day to avoid dull, lifeless, washed out views. Watch the weather and anticipate favourable, dramatic lighting. Aim to reach your summit later in the day to catch better light. Don't be put off by bad weather- it could be the best thing for your photography and if doesn't work out you've still had a good day walking besides your camera.
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